Car Accident Lawyers


Car Accident

At Maxwell Graham, our mission is to deliver top-tier legal services to injured people and their families and to recover the greatest possible compensation for them. We strive to fully understand each individual’s story, to be aggressive in and out of court, and to be the most knowledgeable when it comes to the complex issues involved in personal injury cases.

What should I do after a car collision?

  1. Immediately after a collision, move your car to the side of the road if it’s safe to do so.
  2. Contact the police. File a police report even if the police do not come to the scene.
  3. Take photos of all the cars that are involved.
  4. Get the other driver’s insurance information, and take a photo if possible. Seek medical care immediately.
  5. Contact your own insurance carrier, if you have personal injury protection with your insurance you will need to establish a claim to avoid billing headaches.

Following an accident, there are common mistakes people make after being involved in an accident. Injuries can be masked by adrenaline, so you may not feel pain at the accident scene but symptoms may develop over the next few days, or even longer. Do not give a statement to the other driver’s insurance before speaking to an attorney.

Why You Need a Car Accident Lawyer/Attorney

Our dedicated team can help you recover the most compensation for your injuries. Many times the at-fault driver or their insurance company will claim that you are at fault even when you are not, or claim that your injuries were pre-existing, or will minimize your injuries. This is where we step in to make sure that you are treated fairly and get full and fair compensation for all of your injuries. 

With access to leading experts in the field and a profound understanding of complex medical issues impacting the injured, we have the expertise to handle cases involving pre-existing conditions exacerbated by traumatic collisions, which most other firms are hesitant to take on. 

We level the playing field, safeguarding you from falling into insurance traps. An insurance company may offer you a few thousand dollars to settle your claim at the outset.  Do not let insurance companies take advantage of you with quick and cheap settlements before you know the full extent of your injuries Our goal is to secure full and fair settlements, providing you with the compensation you deserve. 

Our Car Accident Lawyers

We have handled thousands of car crash cases. Every lawyer in the firm has extensive trial and litigation experience, so we’re not afraid to file a lawsuit when an insurance company is not offering adequate compensation for your injuries. We are experts at maximizing recovery for injured people.

What to Expect When You Hire Maxwell Graham

The first step is a free consultation to get to know you. We will help you navigate all the necessary paperwork to skillfully represent you during negotiations. Our team ensures you avoid common traps that may hinder your recovery. We will gather and analyze crucial evidence, leaving no stone unturned. 

Your well-being is our priority, and we are here to guide you every step of the way.

Car Accident FAQs

Do I have to pay my attorney/how does my attorney get paid?

  • We operate on a contingency fee basis, which means that if we do not recover any money for you, then we are not owed a fee.
  • If we do recover money for you, we take a percentage of it for our fee. The amount we take as a percentage varies depending on several factors, including the type of case, complexity, how close to trial it settles, whether it is tried, etc.

Do I have to pay back my medical care and/or PIP? How do I get my medical bills paid?

  • This will depend on several factors. You might have health insurance, medical insurance under your car insurance policy, labor and industries insurance if injured on the job, etc. One of the reasons you hire us is to help you figure out who pays for what.

Will you handle my property damage claim?

  • It depends. Most people are able to resolve this on their own, but if something unusual happens, we’re happy to help our clients as a courtesy.

How much is my claim worth?

More questions?

View our FAQs and contact us to get started. Read examples of our previous successes here.

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Featured Case Results

Car Crash Settlement
for a client hit by intoxicated driver who was overserved at a bar.
R.B. v. Sosa and Keybars, Inc. 2023.
Policy Limits Settlement
for a client whose case was handled by prior counsel. Prior counsel took the case to mandatory arbitration and was awarded $7500. Case was turned over to us after client was disappointed in the arbitration award. We were able to settle the case for $250,000 policy limits against the at-fault driver and another $230,000 from the client’s own underinsured auto policy.
Jury Verdict
for a client who suffered a spinal injury when struck in an car crash.
M.S. vs. Gorski. 2021.
Settlement Following Mediation
for a client rear ended in multiple car pile-up who suffered traumatic brain injury.
C.K. vs. Kunesh (2023)
Policy Limits Settlement
for a client struck in a parking lot car crash who suffered torn rotator cuff. We settled with the at fault driver for their policy limits of $100,000 and then recovered against the clients underinsured motorist’s insurance for $50,000 policy limits.
Policy Limits Settlement
for a client who was injured when he was rear ended. At fault driver denied fault. We litigated this liability dispute and judge found driver at fault. Case settled shortly after for the at fault driver’s policy limits and the client’s underinsured motorists’ coverage limits.
Policy Limits Settlement
for a client who suffered knee injury in car crash. We recovered policy limits against at-fault driver and policy limits from the client’s own underinsured auto policy.