What We're Doing in Response to COVID-19



We hope this finds all of you and your families safe and well.  In response to the threat posed by COVID-19 (Coronavirus), we want to let you know the steps Maxwell Graham is taking to keep our clients, professional partners, and team safe.  Our goal is to continue providing the important services our clients need with as little interruption as possible. Some areas are likely to suffer delay. For example, depositions may be postponed or done by video conferencing. Local courts have closed or have severely limited access. There are no in person hearings on civil cases and civil jury trials are being postponed.

Disinfectant Procedures: We are all observing heightened disinfectant procedures in our office, as well as in our homes and vehicles.

Meeting Options: We offer telephone and video conference alternatives to in-person meetings.

Policies for in-Person Contact: We are limiting physical contact with our clients and visitors, e.g., handshakes and hugs. We are also being more aware about touching our faces and surfaces that are likely to be contaminated. We have rescheduled or declined to attend optional, high-risk gatherings and events. We have policies in place for those who may exhibit signs of illness. Any team member who has any symptoms of a cold, flu or COVID-19  is to self-quarantine at home. The same holds if a team member has been exposed to someone with symptoms of cold, flu or COVID-19.We are prepared to continue serving our clients even if the need arises to close our office.

We hope that this virus subsides quickly and we can get back to the business of doing what we do best, litigating cases and helping people who have been injured. We will continue to do all that we can to minimize disruption and keep our team and visitors as safe as possible.