Dec 2022

Home Safety Tips over the Holidays

Our personal injury attorneys have compiled a list of holiday home safety tips for you. There are many hazards particular to the holiday season but with some planning and awareness, these can be avoided or minimized. Here are some tips to keep you and your family safe this holiday season. Stockings Popular art and advertising…

Oct 2022

Case Closed: Premises Liability Victory

Rebeccah Graham recently represented a woman who fell down a set of three steps at the LeMay-America’s Car Museum in the City of Tacoma, breaking her elbow, nose, and hitting her head. This blow to her head resulted in a traumatic brain injury. Fortunately, this client came to our office within a couple of weeks…

Jan 2018

What To Do After A “Minor” Fender-Bender

Many people don’t know what to do after they are involved in a “minor” fender bender.  First of all, I wouldn’t call a collision “minor” based solely on the property damage the vehicle sustained. The human body isn’t designed to be suddenly and forcefully jerked around and the property damage a vehicle sustained shouldn’t be…