Nov 2017

The Future: Genetic Testing and Insurance Companies

Benefits of Genetic Testing What does genetic testing have to do with a motor vehicle collision? Imagine that you are stopped at a red light when—WHAM—you are rear-ended. You are injured. Years later, you have to file a lawsuit against the driver that rear-ended you. As part of the legal process, the insurance company of…

May 2017

Woman Denied Early Win In Missed Birth Control Suit

Woman Denied Early Win In Missed Birth Control Suit By: Abraham Moussako Law360, New York (February 27, 2017, 6:06 PM EST) — A woman who has accused a federally funded health provider of causing an unintended birth by botching a contraceptive injection can’t get a quick win in the case because of lingering questions about whether…

Apr 2016

Dexamethasone: Climber’s Little Helper

Jesse Easterling’s story By the time Jesse Easterling stumbled into the Mount Everest emergency clinic, he was nearly incoherent. It was a chilly afternoon at Base Camp, May 17, 2009—two days before the beginning of summit season, when a clear weather window would send hundreds of climbers scurrying up the south side of the peak. Easterling,…