Oct 2022

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Women with more advanced cancer may be faced with a decision about chemotherapy agents. Taxotere and Taxol are two commonly recommended chemo agents. Both can have long term consequences.

Mar 2018

Bicyclist Safety and Rights

We handle a fair amount of bike accident cases at our office. Some happen when a driver runs into a bike and some happen when the road is in poor condition, causing the cyclist to lose control of his or her bike. Either way, it is important to know what your rights are when something like…

May 2017

Woman Denied Early Win In Missed Birth Control Suit

Woman Denied Early Win In Missed Birth Control Suit By: Abraham Moussako Law360, New York (February 27, 2017, 6:06 PM EST) — A woman who has accused a federally funded health provider of causing an unintended birth by botching a contraceptive injection can’t get a quick win in the case because of lingering questions about whether…

Apr 2016

Dexamethasone: Climber’s Little Helper

Jesse Easterling’s story By the time Jesse Easterling stumbled into the Mount Everest emergency clinic, he was nearly incoherent. It was a chilly afternoon at Base Camp, May 17, 2009—two days before the beginning of summit season, when a clear weather window would send hundreds of climbers scurrying up the south side of the peak. Easterling,…